Monday, September 21, 2009

Why do we not see?

If sanctification is God's responsibility, then why don't we see more "sanctified" persons around us--especially among older adults, those who are supposed to be more mature Christians?Conversely, if sanctification is primarily our responsibility, does this possibly explain why we don't see more "sanctified" people?

Sanctification is God's responsibility in that he is the only one with the power to cleanse us from sin. He has! It is our responsbility, however, to continually purify our hearts, presently, from day to day. We are cleansed from the punishment and condemnation from sin, but being human, we will still sin.

Because we as Christians have a higher calling to be perfect (2 Peter 1:10) we must live out what we believe. If we truly believe God has saved us from condemnation than we will live out our lives in purity.

The reason we may not see this as evident is because of all the distractions and alternate beliefs that may influence Christains. We as Christians have a responsiblity to each other to help sanctify each other and build each other up. We are not to travel through this world alone (1 Thessalonians 5:11; 1 Corinthians 14:12).

We are to take responsibility for ourselves and encourage others in love as one body.

1 comment:

  1. Paul . . . I appreciate your insight on helping each other in our Christian walks. We need more of that!
